Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Good OR Free; Never Both

In My Experience: Free is Never Better

Have you ever had to deel with bad healthcare customer servicae whether it was from a pharmacy. free healthcare or healthcare at a private company? I currently have the terible free healthcare, but I am in the proces of switching over to a private company. A few medications that I currently take need refills. I called up my county clinic to make an appointment and they warned me they are booked up to June.  I asked to speak to someone who could help me get my prescriptions because at this point I had no refills left. The customer service representative tells me to call back the next morning and to speak with a specific person.

The next day, I call back, they transfer me... no one answer. I repeat this process three more times with the same outcome. Fed up, I call back and tell them I need to talk to someone. I get transferred. I tell this technician what prescriptions I need and she puts me on hold for ten minutes. After a few more transfers and explaining my dilemma to a few more snarky receptionist and waiting on hold for 10 minutes, someone answers and says,"Is this Suzanne?"
For the fifth time, I told her my name and briefly described why I was calling. She asked what prescriptions I needed and that she'll have to call the pharmacy. How many more people will I have to deal with just to get a refill? This is a nightmare. But that's what I get for signing up for free healthcare. Finally, after another ten minutes on hold she tells me that I can pick up my prescriptions at the pharmacy. After spending an hour and half on the phone, I was irate and outraged by the horrible customer service this clinic had.

 No one should be treated this way no matter how free the services are. I have seen incredible technicians help customers and meet their needs without being rude or placing customers on hold endlessly. 
Technicians ought to be there to help the patients, and find the best price for them. It's not only good manners, it's good for business relations. As I work, I hear the technicians typing away behind me and chattering pleasantly on the phone. They are always helpful, cheery and incredibly patient. They always seem to go the extra mile to see that the customer is taken care of. I respect and admire that they all maintain the same sweet, understanding manner on every level from pharmacists to clerks.  Our head technician, Ren overheard how long I was put on hold. She was shocked and told me she would never treat patients the way my free health center was treating me.

This experience has taught me that not every company believes in helping their customers or providing superb customer service. I don't know about you but I think I would rather pay through the nose, if I had to, for a company that actually cares. I won't be giving them my time or my business. As a marketing director for a pharmacy, I know the importance of customer service. How can you be proud to work for a company that doesn't do it's very best to help it's customers and make a difference in people's lives?
Jennie-Your Undercover For Everything Pharmacy

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